
Thoughts on Bush’s way of thinking

Re “How Bush thinks: intuition over intellect,” Opinion, Aug. 5

I have no problem with people using intuition as long as their decisions do not affect me. But we expect someone whose actions affect billions on this planet to use intellect and common sense as a guide to decision-making. It is like a scientist using superstition in scientific experiments that have global effects. When lives are being put in jeopardy because of such decisions, who steps in to right the wrong choices? Do we keep relying on one man’s intuition?


Huntington Beach


By just reading several other articles by Jonathan Chait, my intuition tells me that he has a distinct bias against President Bush. Furthermore, my intellect points to the fact that Chait should try to balance his views with some positive points about the president, because he cannot be doing everything wrong. Until then, my inspiration is not to read any more of Chait’s recycled liberal prejudice.


Los Angeles
