
Poisons claim two L.A. area cougars

Two mountain lions that prowled the Simi Valley area died after they ingested prey loaded with over-the-counter poisons humans use to get rid of pesky rodents.

In recent years, wildlife experts for the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area monitored four adult cougars from the Malibu coast to the Santa Susana Mountains near Valencia.

But late last fall, radio collars on two animals indicated they died. When authorities examined the carcasses they found the big cats, one young male and another old female, contained “massive quantities” of rodenticide, says federal ecologist Seth Riley.


The toxins, brodifacoum and bromadiolone, kill squirrels, rats and gophers, but their poisoned bodies can become lethal snacks for higher predators. Other affected species include bobcat, raccoon and coyote. Schools, golf courses and parks use the substances.

-- Gary Polakovic
