
Rep. Robert Matsui Was an Inspiration

It is with profound sadness that I read of the passing (Jan. 3) of Rep. Robert T. Matsui (D-Sacramento). Our country has lost a great leader, and the Asian Pacific Islander community in particular will miss him dearly. Matsui inspired us in many ways, especially in the area of public service, where his vision of good, honest and responsible government was simply every citizen receiving fair treatment. Be it a senior citizen living on limited income whose Social Security was the last straw of relief, or those aging internees whose only sin during World War II was being born of particular ethnicity, Rep. Matsui was damned indignant over unfair treatment of any Americans.

I must profess that I personally have been touched by his zeal for fairness, and his consummate belief in America and its ideals. America is better today because Matsui blessed us with his presence.

Richard Choi Bertsch

Advisor and Past President

Korean American Democratic Committee

Laguna Niguel
