
Max Boot’s Picture of the War on Terror

Re “Two True Pictures of the Terror War,” Commentary, Jan. 6: Max Boot is correct when he asks, where is the outrage? Let’s take that question one step further and wonder where is the outrage from the Republicans about the raid on democracy by the Florida vote? Or about the lies furnished by this administration leading us into a war that was not about our protection? How about outrage at the administration’s prosecution of the war by not originally listening to the military leaders? Or the repudiation of environmental safeguards?

It is utterly incredible to the extent Boot takes hypocrisy. Fortunately for him, liberals exist; otherwise he probably would not be able to spout his insidious garbage.

David W. Berke

Sherman Oaks


Boot’s assessment of the intent and flavor of “Fahrenheit 9/11” is quite accurate -- “Why We Shouldn’t Fight.” But negative attitudes toward America and what we are fighting for are not so much a reflection of political philosophy as the unwillingness to acknowledge and confront the evil that does exist. It is a personal inability or unwillingness to dispassionately say, “Yes, there is evil in the world and we need to do something about it.”


It is rather like the 25-year-old still living with Mom and Dad, eating their food, driving their car, watching their TV but condemning their values the whole while.

Tom Pula

