
Dean Could Move Democrats Forward

Re “The Crisis of ‘Sam’s Club’ Republicans,” Commentary, Jan. 11: A “Deniac” in the 2004 cycle, I experienced the tension between the Democratic Leadership Committee “third way” types and the Dennis Kucinich-styled anti-globalization crowd. Reihan Salam’s gloomy outlook on the Democrats’ future could be proved wrong if Howard Dean becomes the Democratic National Committee chair because of Dean’s ability to authentically bridge this gap. Regrettably, the Democratic Party’s K Street establishment still feels threatened by him.

Had they not aided and abetted the cartoonization contributing to his campaign’s demise, Dean might be president-elect now. We shall wait and see which party establishment sees the light first in trying to gain and retain “Sam’s Club America” support.

Jeffrey Peltola

St. Paul, Minn.


Re “Dean Seeking Democratic Chairmanship,” Jan. 12: Howard Dean, of all the Democratic presidential candidates in 2004, was the most charismatic leader and the bravest speaker against the misbegotten Bush war policy. Dean is not Bush-lite. He deserves the highest consideration for the post of chairman of the Democratic Party.


Al Ujcic

San Francisco
