
With O’Connor’s Departure, Fireworks

Re the resignation of Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor: If President Bush nominates an extremist to the Supreme Court, this country will descend into bitterly divisive partisan fighting the likes of which we have never seen. It’s time for Bush to be a uniter and not a divider, like he falsely promised on the campaign trail in 2000.

If he once again chooses extremism and partisanship over moderation, then I encourage the Democratic leadership to oppose the nomination with every tool at its disposal. There is too much at stake to allow the lifetime appointment of a narrow extremist to the most important court in the land. If Bush nominates a moderate conservative, I think he will have a relatively easy time filling the vacancy on the Supreme Court.

Paul Stone

Newport Beach


Justice O’Connor’s retirement means the Fourth of July came three days early this year. Let the fireworks begin.


A.L. Cynton

Laguna Beach
