
Oh, They’re Thinking Blue, All Right

As Paul DePodesta continues to saddle Dodger fans with the “Jason Principle” (four mediocre Jasons on the Dodgers), I declare that we are victim of DePodesta’s Peter Principle (one rises to his level of incompetence).

I say it is time to ship DePo to some triple-A squad. In the big leagues, he’s in way over his head.

Harry Bluebond

Valley Village


Maybe the Dodgers can re-sign Jason Romano now that he has been released by the Reds.

Phil Zantos



I keep reading how the Dodgers have a host of great prospects in the organization: Where are they?


Richard Kane



It was heartwarming to read of Oscar Robles’ lifelong commitment to reach the majors. And with the trading deadline approaching, perhaps, with the Dodgers’ help, he’ll get that chance.

Dan Rosenfeld

Monterey Park
