
Networks graded on diversity

From the Associated Press

Civil rights groups seeking greater ethnic diversity in the TV industry say the major broadcast networks are making improvements but at a pace they consider too slow.

In annual “report cards,” ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox are graded in areas including their hiring of minority actors, writers and directors, development of programs with ethnic diversity and overall commitment to diversity issues.

For shows airing from fall 2005 to fall 2006, the National Latino Media Coalition gave ABC the highest overall grade, A-minus, followed by a B-plus for CBS and a B each for NBC and Fox.


The Asian Pacific American Media Coalition gave NBC, ABC and Fox a C-plus each, while CBS earned a C.

There was yet again a sharp slap from Americans Indians in Film & TV: The virtual absence of any American Indians on screen or in the industry earned a flurry of Fs and Ds, with just a handful of higher grades.

In separate statements, ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox reiterated their commitments to diversity and pledged continued efforts.
