
Raising questions of criticism, credibility

Re “Oprah’s new mess,” Opinion, Jan. 18

How original: a sneak attack on Israel and its supporters in what appears to be an article about Oprah Winfrey.

Elie Wiesel is not hypocritical because of his lack of criticism of Israel. Although Israel has been cited by human rights groups for many wrongs, these violations are all trivial compared to the wrongs committed by others, especially the Nazis, who were determined to annihilate them. Wiesel has spoken out against real abuses and urged U.S. action in places such as Cambodia, (Muslim) Bosnia and Rwanda.


Los Angeles


As a Holocaust survivor, I cannot comprehend the logic of Adam Shatz when he questions Wiesel’s credibility. Shatz writes about Wiesel’s trouble with memory. Ironically, Shatz has greater trouble with his own memory when he audaciously demonized and criticized Israel at every opportunity but never mentioned that Israel was attacked four times without reasons by surrounding Arab states.


Never mind the hijacking of Israeli planes and the suicide bombings that killed and maimed thousands in Israel and all over the globe. What Shatz should mind is “never again,” and that Israel, like other nations, has the right and responsibility to defend its citizens by all defensive measures possible.


Woodland Hills
