
‘Toxic Tuna’ Report Omits Group’s Agenda

“Group Warns of Toxic Tuna” (March 6) presents information provided by an advocacy group without questioning their methods or motivation, then adds a sensational headline and quote for spice.

I see it is getting attention on the website, but is it ethical journalism?

Missing from the article was the fact that Turtle Island Restoration Network, which is paying the attorney quoted in the story, has been campaigning for years to shut down the long-line tuna fisheries of the U.S.

The group has filed lawsuits and run propaganda campaigns to that end long before their mercury project started. Its only interest in public health is that it can be used to further the group’s anti-fishing campaign.


But the article refers to as an “independent group.” It would have left a very different impression if the connection to the anti-fishing campaign had been made.

It also could have mentioned that the FDA mercury safety level that some of the fish reportedly approached has a built-in 1,000% safety factor. The “Russian roulette” quote in the story certainly leaves the reader with a very different impression.

John LaGrange

Solana Beach, Calif.
