
Veterans should get more opportunities

Re “Amid War, Troops See Safety in Reenlisting,” May 21

President Bush’s economic plan is working like a charm. Reductions in veterans’ benefits and college aid, outsourced jobs, unaffordable health insurance, runaway gas and housing prices, etc., have created a situation in which Iraq and Afghanistan vets have no choice but to offer themselves up once again as cannon fodder for the endless wars that line the pockets of Bush’s corporate cronies and frighten the American people into submission. Brilliant!


Studio City


It’s wrong that people can only turn to the Army to be able to go to the doctor. I can’t believe that that is some people’s only option to be able to pay the bills and have a home. There should be other ways for people to earn money. You should not have to risk your life to be able to save it. If you have to die so that your family can eat, then there is obviously something wrong. No one should have to die just so that his family can go to the dentist and get the medicine they need when they get sick. There should be other options.


Coto de Caza, Calif.


I am grateful for the service of our military personnel and for their willingness to continue their missions, but why is that the only option for them? When I left the Army in the “unpatriotic” ’60s, military experience was considered an asset in the job market. Veterans were assumed to be serious about work -- resourceful team players who would throw themselves into whatever job they took. If inexperienced college grads are pulling in $40,000 to $50,000, don’t experienced veterans deserve at least fair access to the market?



Los Angeles
