
Paying for illegal immigrants

Re “Illegal migrants’ care bill is tallied,” Nov. 15

The $1.1 billion (“a low-ball estimate,” according to critics) or $11 per household for the healthcare of millions of illegal immigrants represents theft both on a grand scale and on a personal one. Somehow our country has taken it upon itself to look the other way as our tax dollars have gone to caring for an illegal population not entitled to it.

However, if I come into your home and steal that $11, then I am an outright criminal, subject to arrest and prosecution. Go figure....




Not long ago, I rushed my son to the emergency room at Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena. He had a compound fracture of his right arm. The room was packed. To the best of my knowledge and observation, I was one of the few English-speaking people there.


I was handed a clipboard to fill out papers so he could be processed. The papers were in Spanish. I had to flip every page over to get to the English version.

I observed that every clipboard was efficiently prepared with forms, all with the Spanish version side up.

If anyone has a doubt about the cost of illegal immigration, I suggest that he spend a few minutes in any emergency room, at any hospital, and witness firsthand what is going on there.



La Canada Flintridge
