
Public wins by funding campaigns

Re “Just $83.8 million? No thanks” and “Congress has changed, but business can deal with it,” Jan. 22

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) turns down public funding of her campaign, and the Democrats carry on business as usual. Those who can pay continue to control our legislators at all levels, while the electorate stands by seemingly helpless. I dream that someday all our lawmakers will be elected using public campaign money so that those elected will be beholden to those who paid for their candidacy, the public.

We need to enact meaningful public funding laws now and persuade voters to let candidates know that their participation is indicative of their intent to base campaigns on issues and spend their time in office paying attention to the public’s business rather that soliciting funds for the next election. I am tired of reading about candidates’ war chests as an indicator of electability.



Pacific Palisades
