
Help for vets is in disarray

Re “Open wound for hurt veterans” and “Give back to vets who have given their all,” Opinion, Nov. 25

Reading The Times on Nov. 25 gave me an extreme case of vertigo. On the front page was the heartbreaking article about the plight of our current veterans -- injured in war and then denied benefits because of questions surrounding the definition of “combat-related” disabilities.

And then there was the Op-Ed article by Adm. Mike Mullen making a case for the importance of giving 100% to our young men and women picking up arms to fight.


It makes you wonder: Does the chairman know what his Pentagon is doing?

Nadine Semer



As the widow of a patriotic former Marine, I read your news article with fury and horror. If sustaining injuries from roadside bombs and their resulting mayhem isn’t regarded as being “disabled in combat,” what is?

I donate money to veterans. I regret that I can’t support all the deserving servicemen and women who are fighting for our freedom and freedom for other countries. It’s a shame that our government can’t seem to support them either.

This article should have been placed right next to Mullen’s Op-Ed article.

Jo Ann Michetti

Rancho Palos Verdes
