
A wall exercise with flexibility

Good Form

For a great stretch in your shoulders, chest and legs, practice this exercise at a wall. Start by doing just the first variation, with both feet on the floor. As you become comfortable with the move and want more of a challenge, progress to the more advanced version, with one leg up.

Stand an arm’s distance from a flat wall with your feet hip-width apart. Bend at the hips, lowering your torso to a right angle. Place your hands on the wall, shoulder-width apart, fingers pointing up. Keep the elbows straight, with your head between your upper arms. Press firmly into your hands and keep your legs active by contracting the thigh muscles. Hold this position, breathing naturally, for 20 to 30 seconds. Walk your hands back up the wall and return to the start position.

Stand an arm’s distance from a flat wall with your feet together. Bend at the hips, lowering your torso to a right angle. Place your hands on the wall, shoulder-width apart, fingers pointing up. Keep the elbows straight, with your head between your upper arms. Press firmly into your hands as you shift your weight over your right leg. Raise your left leg behind you to hip level, keeping both knees straight. Focus on keeping the shoulders and hips parallel to the floor. Hold this position, breathing naturally, for 20 to 30 seconds. Lower your leg, walk your hands back up the wall and repeat the exercise, this time raising your right leg behind you.


Voight is the creator of a line of fitness DVDs, including “Sleek Essentials.”

[email protected]
