
How to watch summer TV guilt-free

Back in April, we asked RedEye readers on Facebook what their favorite TV networks are. While many were named, the majority were networks that program a lot of reality TV.

Bravo. TLC. HGTV. A&E. Logo. Bravo, Bravo, Bravo! (I saw a lot of “Real Housewives” answers.)

Argh! My friends call me a TV snob, but honestly, I don’t see the appeal in reality TV. Once a camera is on you, nothing you do is “real.” I give in a little when it comes to competition reality shows. (I admit it, I could not stop watching the Bronnie season of “Make Me a Supermodel.”)

Anyway, give me just a fairly decent scripted drama and I’d watch it over a “Hoarders” or “Platinum Weddings” or “Pregnant in Heels.” I want to be entertained, not irritated. I like good storytelling, not showboating.


I think if viewers were given the chance, they might come to their senses and agree with me. They just might start watching TV about which they need not feel guilty.

So, since summer is a time for even more reality TV, I offer this helpful conversion chart for those feeling the guilt (and believe me, you should). I list a reality show you probably do or will watch, and then give you a scripted show with similarities you may like to watch. Here goes. Curt Wagner, RedEye’s Show Patrol
