
Stephen Colbert’s final guest will be Death

One more full week of “The Colbert Report” to go and the show has released its final guest lineup. And to the shock and horror of fans of Colbert’s faux conservative character, the final show may bring some tears along with the laughs.

Colbert’s final guest will be Death himself, or “Grimmy” as the announcement calls him, described as Colbert’s “colleague and lifelong friend.”

The Grim Reaper has been showing up intermittently on “The Colbert Report” since Oct. 13, when the host was reminded there were just 32 shows left. Now, with just four shows left after the weekend, the end is looming larger than ever.


Will “The Colbert Report” have the first-ever ending with the host being carried off to the afterlife?

The rest of the final-four lineup is impressive, though a bit light on supernatural representatives of the Beyond.

On Monday, Seth Rogen will discuss “The Interview,” and quite possibly the entire Sony email hacking scandal. On Tuesday, Colbert will interview Grammy-nominated rapper Kendrick Lamar. On Wednesday, he’ll interview former military officer and short story author Phil Klay.


And then Thursday, the final show. With Death as the guest.

Of course, the actual Stephen Colbert isn’t dying. He’s just going to CBS.

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