Photos: Zsa Zsa Gabor: Life in pictures
Gabor with her first husband, Turkish diplomat Burhan Asaf Belge, in Ankara.
(Pictorial Parade / Getty Images)
Gabor and her third husband, actor George Sanders, whom she called the love of her life. Sanders, who later married Gabor’s sister Magda, wrote in his autobiography that Zsa Zsa was the 20th century’s Madame de Pompadour, Queen of Sheba and Cleopatra.
(Jim Pringle / Associated Press)With Mexican businessman Felipe de Alba after their 1982 wedding in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. The marriage lasted only a day before it was declared invalid because Gabor’s divorce from husband No. 7 wasn’t final. (Pat Alisau / Associated Press)
Gabor and Prince Frederic von Anhalt leave court in Beverly Hills in 1989. When she married him three years earlier, she told reporters he would be her last husband, and she was right. (Doug Sheridan / Associated Press)