
Letters: Ice cream trucks done right

Re “A cone of silence?,” July 11

There are many people, not just in Long Beach, who have issues with the tinny ice cream truck music. But does anyone remember the old “Good Humor” trucks?

I still remember the roofless cab of those spotless white trucks when I was a boy. Above the rear-view mirror was a trio of bells with a string attached, which the Good Humor man pulled to announced his arrival. When we heard the bells, we were met by a man in a white uniform, complete with a hat and bow tie, selling our favorite frozen treats.


Ah, for the good ‘ol days!

Wade Steinfeld

Lake Balboa

I would gladly trade the “La Cucaracha”-blaring taco trucks that troll my neighborhood (there are several homes being demolished and rebuilt within two blocks of me) for all of Long Beach’s ice cream trucks.

No matter how nicely I ask the drivers not to blare their horns, they blow me off and tell me it’s their right.

Believe me, the workers on the projects know when the “roach coaches” are rolling up — especially because they arrive at the exact same times every day — even without those blaring sonatas.


Paula Del



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