
Letters: The GOP’s small tent

Re “No more boring white guys,” Opinion, Aug. 7

Jonah Goldberg correctly points out that the “GOP needs to deal with America’s changing demographics.” However, he ignores the fundamental reason minority groups tend not to support the Republican Party.

When you see prominent Republicans and their proxies demonize and vilify people of different races and religions and label them as something “other” than American, any person belonging to a minority group can reach only one conclusion: The GOP’s tent is not big enough to welcome the growing minority communities of the United States. Having conservative philosophical leanings is not enough for any human being to embrace a party that does not respect his or her race or religion.


As a reformed Republican and a member of a minority group whose hero was, and is, Ronald Reagan, I can attest to the fact that the GOP has consciously and deliberately decided to cast me out instead of the other way around.

Paul Gill



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