
Letters: Is immigration really an ‘act of love’?

Re “The GOP’s 2016 handicap,” Opinion, April 9 and “Jeb Bush calls immigration an ‘act of love,’” April 8

Illegal immigration is an “act of love,” says Jeb Bush. My foot it is.

Bush should tell that to those who obeyed the law to come to the United States, and to those around the world waiting to enter legally. They waited (or are waiting) patiently for years, even decades, to get their green cards, adhering to the much-maligned and supposedly “broken” immigration system.

Dr. Jack Kevorkian, notorious for assisting more than 100 people with ending their lives, probably thought he was committing an “act of love” each time he helped someone commit suicide. But a jury of his peers convicted him of second-degree murder and sent him to prison.


As an independent voter, I respected Bush’s political views and opinions, and would have considered voting for him had he not uttered those melodramatic words about immigration.

Rogelio Peña


When I served in the state’s National Guard, I had the honor and privilege of commanding a unit. We had several soldiers who were not citizens of this country. They were every bit as dedicated and reliable as the others.

I never once saw or heard any behavior by them that led me to believe their national loyalties lay elsewhere. In fact, I actually had been around citizen soldiers who weren’t bashful about displaying Confederate symbols.


So I was disappointed to read about House Republicans who had harsh words for undocumented immigrants who have lived here since childhood and wanted to serve in the U.S. armed forces. Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) should be ashamed for telling the undocumented who want to serve their country that “we have a bus for you to Tijuana.”

Anyone willing to put on the uniform and risk dying for this country deserves a chance at citizenship. King and others in Congress who think like him demonstrate why there should be term limits in Washington.

Kimberlyn Hearns

San Bernardino


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