
Opinion: Will Jan. 20, 2017 — inauguration day — be another ‘date which will live in infamy’?

The U.S. Capitol is illuminated in advance of Donald Trump's inauguration in Washington, D.C.
The U.S. Capitol is illuminated in advance of Donald Trump’s inauguration in Washington, D.C.
(Tannen Maury / EPA)

To the editor: In modern times there have been two dates that shocked to the nation and threatened our greatness: Dec. 7, 1941, and Sept. 11, 2001.

To those two dates we may now add a third: Jan. 20, 2017.

Pearl Harbor and 9/11 represented physical attacks on us. We were unprepared. But Inauguration Day 2017 is different: There is no physical assault by some outside force, and we had plenty of time to prevent it.

Via a contraption called the electoral college, the loser of the popular vote by almost 3 million ballots has been allowed to emerge as the winner of the election. We can’t blame foreigners (Russian meddling notwithstanding) — we’ve done it to ourselves. Donald Trump will now tread in the footsteps George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln.


America has damaged itself. The best encapsulation of what has befallen us has already been delivered, fittingly, by a comic book character. It was Pogo the possum who said, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

Barry Berkeley, Culver City


To the editor: As Trump has gazed out the windows at the top of his tower in New York, I am sure he has noticed the golden flame, shining in the mid-day sun, atop the Statue of Liberty.

I hope he is not blind to the true greatness of this country, which this great statue symbolizes. In case Trump has forgotten, here is what is written beneath the gold, at the base of Lady Liberty:


“Give me you tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of you teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

Paul Clarke, Northridge


To the editor: Perhaps Steve Lopez, who writes of his decision to attend Trump’s inauguration Friday, should consult a dictionary for the meaning of “journalist.” (“Scum of the earth lowlife packs a bag for Trump’s inauguration,” Jan. 18)

This latest Lopez piece is nothing but snarky opinion. It is obvious that he is very distraught over Hillary Clinton’ loss, but his whining isn’t journalism.


The growing number of opinion pieces disguised as news and journalism in The Times is reaching critical mass. I urge the newspaper to reevaluate.

John Moran, Thousand Oaks


To the editor: A bully is a wimp with a weapon. Trump is the ultimate bully, armed until now with bluster, bravado and money.

On Friday, he will be armed with the ultimate weapon: the presidency of the United States.

Now people worldwide can only wait and wonder if, how and when will he use this weapon on them. We the American people have permitted a potential of tragedy for the whole world.

Hugh Smart, Santa Barbara

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