
President Obama’s debt-ceiling tweets prompt an ‘unfollow Friday’

Barack Obama generated a flurry of activity on Twitter Friday when he urged his more than 9 million followers to tweet at their congressional representatives to push for a compromise on the debt ceiling battle.

While some responded to the call, many others celebrated “Unfollow Friday.”

Throughout the day, the @BarackObama account tweeted the account names of Republican Congress members at a rapid pace. In about six hours, the account sent more than 100 tweets.

Several Twitter users expressed their annoyance and unfollowed the president’s account. The account had lost more than 35,000 followers by 5 p.m. Pacific time.


“I’m going to unfollow @BarackObama. You’re blowing up my feed, shouldn’t you be...idk, running the country or something? #cain2012,” wrote Twitter user @Lguyton08.
