
Davenport earns the Mayor’s Award Costa Mesa...

Davenport earns the Mayor’s Award

Costa Mesa Mayor Gary Monahan has chosen former Planning

Commissioner Walt Davenport as the latest recipient of the Mayor’s


Davenport was selected for his devoted 22 years of service to the

city as a Planning Commissioner. The award will honor his dedication

to serving on the commission and assisting many city councils, as

well as his understanding of zoning issues, work on several general

plans and his leadership role as Planing Commission chairman for

several terms.

In addition to his years as a planning commissioner, Davenport has

been involved in many other community organizations and activities.

Davenport will be honored at the Oct. 6 City Council meeting. The

award presentation will take place in the council chambers at 6:30


Film festival benefit on tap for Saturday

Martinis and movies are on tap for Saturday’s Under the Skyy Movie

& Martini Night to benefit the Newport Beach Film Festival. The event

will begin at 6:30 p.m. outdoors by the pool at the Sports Club of


The event will include dinner, martini and wine bar, auctions,

musical entertainment and a special outdoor screening of a selection

of short films. All guests will have the opportunity to enter a

drawing for a stay at The Marriott Newport Coast Villas.

The Premiere Cinema Guild, founded four years ago by Lucy

Steinberg and Rita Goldberg, was created to benefit the film


Tickets are $75 and can be purchased by calling the Newport Beach

Film Festival office at (949) 253-2880.

New flights will be leaving from John Wayne

Midwest Airlines today will announce that it is the newest

commercial carrier operating out of John Wayne Airport. The airline

will offer two nonstop flights a day to Kansas City from John Wayne


For more information, call John Wayne Airport at (949) 252-5171.
