
It is every photojournalist’s dream to have...

It is every photojournalist’s dream to have the opportunity to cover

such an event like the historic recall election. When asked if I

wanted to cover it, I jumped on it eagerly, knowing what a great

experience it would be.

When I arrived at the rally at the Orange County Fairgrounds, I

was overwhelmed with how big it was -- and the media coverage was

insane. After fighting my way to the front and getting a spot, it was

just a matter of waiting for candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger to show


He made his brief appearance -- I snapped some shots -- he smashed

a car -- I got some more shots -- and then off he went in his bus. I

was hoping his appearance would last longer but when you’re trying to

tour the state in the few days left before the election, time is not


Besides, he’ll be back.

-- Mark C. Dustin, staff photographer
