
Getting a Girl Scout troop The Laguna...

Getting a Girl Scout troop

The Laguna Beach Girl Scouts will have a parent meeting, “How to

get a Girl Scout Troop started” from 7 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at the

Girl Scout House on Cliff Drive.

The Brownie Girl Scouts of Troop 1822 started the school year by

trying some time-tested Girl Scout Activities. Eleven first-graders

from St. Catherine’s School made “sit-upons,” a classic Girl Scout

craft. Each girl sewed together a layer of vinyl and stuffing to

create a soft and water-resistant cushion to sit on during meetings.

The cushions were personalized with glitter glue. Then the girls

tried their hand at making S’mores.

Brownie Troops are currently forming in Laguna Beach. Brownie Girl

Scouts try crafts, go on hikes, do service, learn new skills (Troop

1822 recently had a Sports Day too), and make friends.

For more information, call Katie Slattery at (949) 499-2574 or

Sheri Donovan at (949) 497-8765
