
Turkeys fit for a Pilgrim’s table

When our forebears sat down to eat the Thanksgiving meal, it was a fowl of a different feather for which they were grateful. With proud plumage and an industrious nature, the turkeys they trussed were full of flavor and dark, succulent meat.

Heritage turkeys — the Narragansetts, Bourbon Reds and Standard Bronze — that were nearly impossible to find five years ago, are back again this year. These once critically endangered birds have mated and multiplied, with a lot of human encouragement but little human interference.

Though they’re still not widely available, your chances of getting one for Thanksgiving have improved. But order now.


Mary’s Turkeys of Pitman Farms in Madera has raised about 6,000 heritage turkeys for this year’s holiday. They can be preordered from:

• Bristol Farms All stores will have them fresh. Order by Nov. 22, as supplies last. $5.99 per pound. For store locations, visit .

• Jensen’s Fine Foods Only the Palm Springs, Palm Desert, La Quinta and Blue Jay locations will have heritage birds fresh. Order by Nov. 18, as supplies last. $5.49 per pound. For locations, visit https://www.jensens


• Jimbo’s (San Diego, Carlsbad and Escondido). Available fresh. Order by Nov. 18, as supplies last. $3.99 per pound. For store locations, visit https://www.jimbos .com.

• Rainbow Bridge Store, 211 E. Matilija St., Ojai. Available fresh. Order by Nov. 18, as supplies last. $3.89 per pound. See .

• Mary’s Turkeys Order directly from the farm at www The turkeys are shipped frozen. Order by Nov. 18. $3.99 per pound, plus shipping.


• Heritage Food USA American Bronze turkeys from various producers are available to be shipped fresh, on ice. Order by Nov. 8. $7 per pound, plus $30 shipping. Order by phone: (212) 980-6603, or at
