
Rhubarb article applauded

Ididn’t even know that rhubarb existed in the New World. I live in the Old World -- Sweden. From time to time, I log on to To my surprise, I found your interesting article on rhubarb [“King of Tart” by Russ Parsons, April 9].

My roots are in the family’s 400-year-old farm, where rhubarb planted generations ago is still very much enjoyed. For a couple of weeks every spring, we enjoy it as dessert just about every day. I hope your article will give rhubarb the comeback it deserves. Even here, unless you grow your own, it’s hard to come by.

Bengt Erik Eriksson, Stockholm, Sweden

Ilive (and grow a little rhubarb) in Santa Maria. My mother makes rhubarb sauce, my wife makes strawberry rhubarb pie, and I make rhubarb applesauce as well as rhubarb upside-down cake.


By the way, my father grew up in Pico, where a neighbor had a commercial rhubarb patch in the river bottom somewhere near Durfee Avenue and Peck Road.

John Larson, Santa Maria

‘Top Chef’ book -- a fan’s view

Iwould like to comment on the review of the “Top Chef” cookbook [ “In a Reality Show Gone Hardback — Who Wins?” by Betty Hallock, April 9]. I am a member of two very different gourmet dinner clubs, and both clubs bought the cookbook upon its release.

The recipes aren’t intended to inspire anyone who is a gourmet cook, obviously. But the recipes and articles are amusing and interesting to viewers of the show. I think a “Top Chef” fan should have reviewed the cookbook. My friends and I who watch the TV show had a very different take on the book.


Christi Parkhill, Murietta
