
The winners of the Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition will have you scratching your head

Nikon Instruments Inc. announced the winners of the 43rd annual Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition, with Bram van den Broek of the Netherlands Cancer Institute taking first place for his photo of a skin cell expressing an excessive amount of keratin.

Clockwise from top left: Bram van den Broek won top honors for his image of a skin cell expressing an excessive amount of keratin, fluorescently labeled in yellow. Jean-Marc Babalian's Pac-Man-like image of a living Volvox algae releasing its daughter colonies earned third place. Dean Lerman's image of mold on a tomato came in fifth. Teresa Zgoda's image of a tapeworm earned third place. (Nikon Small World)
Dr. Havi Sarfaty's image of a flowering plant seed head earned second place. (Dr. Havi Sarfaty / Nikon Small World)
Left, Levon Biss' image of an orchid cuckoo bee from the collections of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History earned 13th place. (Levon Biss / Nikon Small World) Charles B. Krebs' image of a daddy longlegs eye came in 12th. (Charles B. Krebs / Nikon Small World)
Yousef Al Habshi's photograph of the eye section of a robber fly earned Image of Distinction honors. (Yousef Al Habshi / Nikon Small World)