
Insurance Policies

I read with interest your editorial “How to Make a Financial Killing” (Oct. 8). Gang violence is a tragedy that touches us all. Your newspaper reports almost daily on the unfortunate problem and its toll.

Your editorial makes many important points. In commenting on insurance salespeople who use (and abuse) the natural fears of people living in crime-torn neighborhoods to sell low-cost policies, you observe that the public should aim its disgust at the gang problem rather than a few “brazen insurance salesmen.” I agree.

However, as a representative of the life insurance industry, I decry the questionable and inappropriate marketing strategies which your editorial discusses. In fact, these insurance “salespeople” tarnish the reputations of the vast majority who are decent, ethical and hard-working.


The life insurance industry takes its community responsibilities seriously. As corporate citizens, we are involved in the community and provide ongoing support for many activities, including those that serve the needs of urban areas.

BRAD WENGER, President

Assn. of California Life Insurance Cos.

