
It’s ‘Time for Glasnost’ on S. Pasadena Renewal Woes

The South Pasadena Community Redevelopment Agency, stumbling from year to year, is losing the confidence of merchants, property owners and residents.

Though the CRA is credited with funneling $700,000 in SPCRA funds into the business district since 1978, in recent years the SPCRA has been assailed for its lack of planning in the South Pasadena Central Business District and its failure to look into affordable housing and expanded social services for local youth and elderly residents.

The SPCRA collects annually tax increments in excess of $325,000, of which administrative costs are $150,000 yearly. Since 1980, over $2 million in tax increments has been collected.


The poor planning and apathy in the SPCRA indicates poor planning plus poor money management.

Isn’t it time for glasnost in the SPCRA and time for the South Pasadena City Council to dissolve the SPCRA and put the $330,000 of tax increments back on the tax rolls?

Let private enterprise do what government can’t--develop property and manage its own finances.



South Pasadena
